Friday, April 10, 2020

My Life in the Quarantine

Me and My Collection of Halloween Skeletons
These have been interesting times, and I have had numerous conversations with friends and family talking about what has changed in their lives since the start of this quarantine. I know people who have lost jobs or had to cancel events, but I myself have not seen much change in my own life. I do hope, though, that everything goes back to normal in time for Halloween.

Besides my classes at LBCC, I had no obligations to be infringed upon by the quarantine. Most of my interests and hobbies involve activities I can do at home, such as computer programming or gaming. This means that the quarantine has, if anything, given me more time to pursue my interests and enjoy myself. I understand that many people are having a very difficult time right now, and I am very lucky to be in the position I am in.

The one change that has quite directly affected my life is the transition of all LBCC classes to an online format. Even this has not changed my life much, as I am quite used to working from home. I homeschooled my entire life, even through high school. Making my own schedules, keeping track of assignments, and utilizing online classes are all things I have done several times.

My parents and sister have also been handling the quarantine well, as their interests also lie largely at home and my father is considered an essential worker. There is a lot of peace of mind in knowing they are doing well, which also helps this situation be manageable.

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